
How long does it take to plan a coast-to-coast move?

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    How long does it take to plan a coast-to-coast move?


    Whenever you talk about the moving process, one thing always comes up – planning the move. It is very important to plan a move. It is the only way in which you can figure out if something will go awry – and stop it in time – as well as realize just how much money and materials you will need. This is even truer when talking about moving from Boston to San Francisco because long-distance moves are extra hard. Once you are on your way, there is little chance you will be coming back to Boston if you forget something. Even more important – it is more probably that things will turn bad on a long distance. To stop this, you will need to take some time and carefully plan each step. How long do you need to plan a coast-to-coast move? Find out in this article.

    How long do movers recommend to plan a coast-to-coast move?

    When talking to international movers Boston, you will often run into one number – eight weeks. Almost all moving companies will recommend that you take at least two months for preparation. This can give you ample time to pack everything, sort through the paperwork and even say goodbye to your friends.

    A planner, a phone and a pen
    Grab a planner and start planning!

    However, when you want to plan a coast-to-coast move, this might not be enough. Moving long distance, across state borders – and onto another coast – is complicated. There are just way too many things to think for just two months. For a move of this type, the better option would be to take at least three – and even four months! It’s simple Math, really – the more time you designate for planning, the better you will plan for it!

    Of course, if you’d like to learn more about how to avoid the 10 biggest moving mistakes, you should get our book.

    Prepare to plan your budget

    Allocating enough time is important to plan your budget. This might be one of the first things you decide upon. A budget will influence just how much you can spend on all your moving needs. Only with enough budget can you get a higher quality moving supplies or more movers – which leads to the faster moving experience. Sometimes, though, creating a budget can be tough. You simply don’t know exactly how much your move might cost, or just how much equipment you might need to rent out. In such a case, you will need to flex your calculations more or move the budget from one task to another. This is never a pleasant experience – so creating a good budget is a priority. And you can do this only by allocating enough time to plan a coast-to-coast move!

    Budget is really important when moving.

    This time will let you think about all the small expenses you might not be able to remember the first time around. For example, when moving long-distance, people often forget to include motels and hostels into their budget. So, when the time to pay those comes, it might be a nasty surprise for you. Of course, by having more time, you can think of exactly what you will pack with you – and so decide how much money you can spend on it, too.

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    Decide how you will travel when you plan a coast-to-coast move

    It is important when moving from one coast to another to also plan just how you will move there. This matters not only because you need to figure out your budget – but each method of transportation will have its own perks and disadvantages. For example, if you have interstate movers to transport your goods, then you won’t be able to drive in the truck. Instead, you will have to pick your own method of transportation. As you already know, different methods will mean you have different costs – and different things to worry about. Getting across the country on a plane will be fast – but it means you cannot bring too much with you. On the other hand, driving to your new home means you need to make a couple of motel stops. However, if this is how you are getting to your new house, then you might be able to take some stuff with you. If you have some valuable jewelry or documents that you cannot part with – this might be the way to do so.

    A map can help you plan a coast-to-coast move
    Decide where you will drive.

    That’s why it’s important to take time and plan a coast-to-coast move. You will need to get all the pros and cons together and see what works the best for you. Then, you might need to open a map and plan all the routes you can take – and pick one.

    Going through your things

    All of these reasons for giving yourself ample time to plan a coast-to-coast move are alright, but we left the most important thing for the last. Packing is a process that will probably take the most time from your schedule. This is one of the most tiring moving preparation steps –  and it is why movers offer special packing services, too! It is also the step that will fill up your moving calendar with is. Why is that so?

    Well, when you are moving across the country, then there is really no room for making a packing mistake. If you forget something, the chances are – you will never see it again. If you pack something badly, then there is a big chance that it will break on the way to your new home. To stop any of this from happening, you will need to allocate a lot of time for the packing. So, when you plan a coast-to-coast move, plan to go through each room of your home. While doing it, carefully examine each item, and decide whether you pack it or it stays behind. Then, create thorough lists of where each item goes. This way, you will know exactly what to do when the packing time comes – and your move will be without stress!

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