
Best Places To Find Certified Moving Companies

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    Best Places To Find Certified Moving Companies


    It is hard to organize a move on your own. This becomes even more complicated when you have to transport all of your belongings. For this reason, you should hire a moving company. Movers can and will help you to successfully relocate to your desired destination. However, you should be careful when hiring a moving company for your move. Unfortunately, there are many fraudulent moving companies that are only looking to take your money. That is why you should know where to look for reliable movers. Here are all the best places to find certified moving companies. 

    Best places to find certified moving companies – the Internet 

    Since you have the Internet at your disposal, you can use it to find a reliable moving company for yourself. However, it can be a little bit overwhelming by the number of results that come up. For this reason, be precise when searching on Google. For example, try typing in professional local movers Massachusetts. You are narrowing down the results by saying you need local moving services and adding the location. 

    Places to find certified moving companies - by using your computer
    Search on google for a reliable moving company

    This way, you will not get moving companies that are quite far away from you. In addition to this, check if those companies near you offer the moving services you need. Only then, you can make a list of possible candidates for your moving company. Also, if you’d like to learn how to avoid the 10 biggest moving mistakes, you should get our book.

    Read moving company reviews 

    You cannot hire a moving company without reading moving company reviews. There are a couple of reputable reviews site where you can check credentials of moving companies. These include the following sites. 

    • The Better Business Bureau 
    • Angie’s List 
    • My Moving Reviews 

    In addition to this, you should read more than one review for each company, since you cannot get a clear picture by just reading one review. You can also try to find reviews that deal with the exact moving services that you need. However, pay attention to the date of publication. It would be wise to read reviews from people who recently used moving services from companies that you are interested in. These reviews will better describe the company’s recent work. 

    Best places to find certified movers – ask your friends and family 

    If you do not trust online reviews, you can ask your friends and family for recommendations. They must have one moving company they trust. If that is not the case, they might know someone who moved recently. This way, you can also find your moving company and be sure they are not frauds. In addition to this, most moving companies have a special deal If you come as a referral. Your friends and family act then as a free advertisement for a specific moving company. If a moving company is a good one such as licensed interstate moving companies Boston, they will know how to appreciate this effort and recommendation. 

    People talking over coffee
    Ask your friends

    Verify credentials of moving companies 

    As it was mentioned before, you should verify the credentials of several moving companies you are considering to hire. However, most people do not how or what to look for. Here is what you need to check. 

    • The DOT number – every mover that does interstate relocation has to have the DOT number on its website and advertising. This number is issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and it severs as a license that proves they can transport passengers and haul items in interstate commerce. 
    • Local relocation – the license and requirements for an in-state move can vary according to different jurisdictions. In some states, these movers can be unregulated, while in other thirty-three states they need to have a federal DOT number. You need to check with your state for this specific information. 
    • The American Moving & Storage program also issues certificates for moving companies. 

    Schedule an in-home estimate 

    When you narrow down your choice on a couple of moving companies, ask for an in-home estimate. This estimate should be free, and a moving company should send someone to inspect your home and items. Make sure that movers see every part of the house so they can make the most accurate estimation. Additionally, this is your perfect chance to check if they are frauds or not. Most sketchy moving companies will only offer online estimation, which can never be as accurate as of the live one. Another red flag for you would be the unusually low estimate. No matter how good it may sound, if it is too low, they are probably going to ask for more money later. Keep these in mind in order to avoid fraudulent moving companies.

    Be aware of any extra fees 

    Movers should tell you about all the fees you will pay. However, some moving companies do not say all the fees at once. For this reason, you should ask if there will be any extra cost. Those usually include transporting items up several flights of stairs, by elevator, or down the street if they cannot park close to your front door. In addition to this, if you choose to use packing supplies of your company, you will have to pay that as well. Apart from these fees, if movers ask for a huge deposit or that you pay your move before the actual day of your relocation, it is a sign to find another one. No certified and reliable moving company would do such a thing, so be careful. 

    A sign spelling feedback
    Reviews are important

    Review your moving paperwork 

    Before you sign your moving contract, read everything twice. This way, you can ask movers to clarify all the points you do not understand. Do not be afraid or shy since your money and your items are at stake. Only when you are completely sure you understand everything, you can sign the moving contract. This contract can also serve as evidence if you need to handle disputes with movers.

    Important tips: How to find reliable cheap movers

    Best places to find certified moving companies

    Now you know what the best places to find certified moving companies are and how to spot fraudulent ones. Use this knowledge to find one for your move.  And if you’d like to hear more moving tips, please subscribe to our Life Beyond Boxes podcast. 

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